Answered prayer and the will of God

God is a king. He does things as he wills:

“Who has directed the spirit of the Lord, or being his counsellor hath taught him?….” Isaiah 40:12-15. We must know He his Lord, meaning he is the owner of all things (Psalms 24) having a will that cannot be manipulated but conformed to or, sought after. Even when the unbelieving Saul (who later became Paul) saw him, he could not but call him Lord – ‘And he said, “who art thou Lord”…’ Acts 9:5

Prayers are only as powerful as they reflect Gods will -1John 5:14&15; even Elijah calling down fire on mount camel in the defeat of the prophet of Baal was as a result of the pre-informed access to Gods intention because God had informed him earlier of such provision ‘….and that I have done all these things at thy word’ – 1Kings 18:36.

Prayers are not manipulative tools to get what we want, but are designed as earthly permission for a heavenly interference to enforce God’s will on earth – Matthew 6:9&10. God will not show up nor come if he has no provision for that which you have to sort him. God’s will is his budget.

Learning God’s will is accessing heavens budget, which we can draw from through prayers among other covenant access. We must know, we cannot draw from what God has not made provisions. For example, in the story of the rich man (who was in hell) and Lazarus (who was in Abraham’s bosom); we saw the rich man asked Abraham for a drop of water but could not get it because such provisions are not covered in Gods will.

Consequently, God’s will is contained in his word. Heartily, let’s go for the word for it is a lamp unto your feet (decisions as you go) and a light unto your path (gives, enables visions and posterity) – Psalms 119:105.


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